
why shouldyou become an exclusive member?

•ONLY 10 OFFERED PER YEAR! Granting priority to member students.

• Save 18% EVERY LESSON!

•18% off any and all additional lessions OR sessions scheduled throughout the year. You will receive your unique code once your registration is complete. 

•Mix & Match- With your membership, you can use your sessions for ANY of our offered lessons that are 60 minutes.  

•Summer scheduling preference - Studio members receive the summer schedule link 4 weeks in advance of its release date to the general public. 

•Semester scheduling preference - Studio members schedule their preferred lesson time before the schedule is released to the wait-list.

•No penalty for missing a lesson, as long as there is atleast an hour notice.

Full Studio Membership:

$164/month for 12 months:

Date of purchase-12 months later

Guarantees 40 LESSONS/calendar year divided between the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters